The Best Guide To Learn Trampoline Jumping Tricks

The Best Guide To Learn Trampoline - Super Tramp Trampolines

Nothing compares to the thrill of pulling off your first backflip or frontflip. Mastering trampoline tricks unlocks a whole new level of excitement. 

Master basic jumps and progress to beginner tricks like seat drops and knee drops. Improve your skills with intermediate tricks like front drops and half twists, focusing on safety. by the end of this you will also learn the advanced flips and twists, emphasizing supervision and proper technique.

This simple guide will help you answer you question, how to learn trampoline tricks while keeping safety first. So, let the trampoline beckon, and start bouncing towards confidence and fun!

Setting the Stage: Preparing Your Trampoline

Man Setting the In Ground Rectangle Trampoline - Super Tramp Trampolines

As we proceed answering, how to learn trampoline tricks, first thing you’ll need is the proper setup. Invest in a high-quality trampoline designed explicitly for tricks and stunts. Look for reinforced netting, padding, and a durable mat. Safety first!

A well-maintained trampoline is essential. Inspect your springs, pads and mat regularly and replace any worn or damaged parts. The tighter and more responsive the bounce, the easier it will be to control your flips and twists.

For tricks, opt for a round trampoline with a safety net. The net will help you in providing safety and prevent you from falling.

Ensure your trampoline is properly grounded and on level ground. Please place it in an open area away from obstacles like trees or fences. Give yourself plenty of room for error as you learn. Rectangular trampolines also work great as they offer even more space.

With the right equipment and setup, you’ll be primed to learn trampoline tricks like a pro. But take it slow, focus on fundamentals first, and always prioritise safety. The key is practice and persistence.

Understanding Basic Bounces

Girl Jumping on Trampoline at Trampoline Park - Super Tramp Trampolines

To master trampoline tricks, you must first get comfortable with the basic bounces. These fundamental moves form the foundation for the more advanced flips and twists.

Straight Jump

The straight jump sounds exactly like jumping straight up and landing back on the trampoline. Start with small jumps to get a feel for the trampoline, then progress to higher jumps as you gain confidence. Swing your arms up as you jump to help propel yourself upwards.

Tuck Jump

For the tuck jump, jump up and bring your knees up to your chest, grabbing the backs of your thighs to help pull your legs in. Release and straighten your body before landing. The tuck jump enables you to adapt to changing your body position in the air. Practise the timing of pulling your knees in and releasing them.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll have the necessary skills and comfort to learn front and back flips, seat drops, knee drops and other crowd-pleasing tricks. But take your time – there’s no need to rush into advanced moves before you’re ready. With regular practice of the fundamental bounces, you’ll be leaping like a pro in no time!

Simple Tricks for Beginners

Boy Jumping on Round Inground Trampoline - Super Tramp Trampolines

Once you’ve mastered the basics, it’s time to learn some simple tricks. These beginner moves are easy to pick up but make you look like a pro. Proper trampoline accessories should be used to make it safe and user friendly.

Seat Drop

1. Bounce up and down to get a feel for the trampoline.

2. Bend your knees and push off with your feet to get height.

3. When you reach the peak of your bounce, tuck your chin into your chest and pull your knees up to your waist.

4. Aim your body to land on the trampoline seat, keeping your back straight and core engaged.

5. Bounce back up and stick the landing!

Knee Drop

1. Get a solid bounce, pushing off strongly with your feet.

2. At the top of your bounce, bend one knee and pull it towards your chest.

3. Keep your other leg straight and point your toes.

4. Aim to land on the trampoline bed with your bent knee, using your outstretched hands to help balance.

5. Push off immediately with your hands and feet to return to standing.

Practise the seat and knee drops repeatedly before moving on to more advanced skills. Start with the more accessible seat drop and focus on keeping your body straight, landing on the trampoline bed. The knee drop requires more balance, so take it slow. With regular practice, you’ll perform these simple tricks confidently and easily.

Progressing to Intermediate Tricks

Boys are doing Flips on Above Ground Trampoline - Super Tramp Trampolines

Once you’ve mastered the basics, it’s time to take your trampolining to the next level by learning intermediate tricks. The front drop, backdrop, and half twist are great places to start.

Front Drop

This trick involves jumping up, tucking your knees into your chest and extending your arms in front of you. As you descend, quickly swing your arms up and over your head while straightening your body into a pike position. Your momentum will cause you to flip forward, landing on the trampoline with your back. This dramatic trick is sure to impress!

Back Drop

Like the front drop, start by jumping and tucking into a ball. This time, swing your arms behind and over your head to initiate the backward rotation. Extend into a pike and spot the trampoline behind you. Aim to land on your upper back while keeping your body straight for the best form. The backdrop takes some practice, but the thrill of flipping backwards is worth it!

Half Twist

Try adding a half twist once you’re comfortable with front and back drops. Start as if performing a front or backdrop, but twist your body sideways at the peak of your jump while keeping your arms extended overhead. This will cause you to complete a 180° spin before landing on your back. The half twist combines flipping and spinning for an exciting multi-directional trick, demonstrating your advancing skills.

Regularly practising these intermediate trampoline tricks will give you valuable air awareness and body control to progress to more advanced manoeuvres. But go at your own pace and always put safety first!

Pushing Boundaries: Advanced Trampoline Tricks

Boy & Girl Trying to do Flip on Trampoline - Super Tramp Trampolines

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can take your skills to the next level by learning advanced trampoline tricks. These complex moves will challenge even the most experienced trampolinists. Large 14ft trampolines for your garden in uk are most suitable for advance tricks. With practice and the proper technique, you’ll be flipping and twisting with confidence in no time.


Front flips, back flips, and side somersaults (or ‘side sommies’) are crowd-pleasers. For front flips, jump up, tuck your chin into your chest and pull your knees up, then extend powerfully to land on your feet. Backflips require confidence – jump up, lean back and spot the ground behind you, then throw your arms overhead and arch your back to rotate backwards, finding the floor with your feet. Side sommies involve:

  • Jumping to the side.
  • Tucking and twisting your body sideways while keeping your back straight.
  • Landing sideways on the trampoline bed.


For the ultimate challenge, combine multiple flips and twists. A front flip to seat drop to back flip is an impressive combo, as is a double front flip or front flip to back flip. Work on one trick at a time, mastering each before putting them together. With practice, consistency and by pushing your own boundaries, you’ll be performing epic trampoline trick combos in no time.

Common Challenges and Troubleshooting 

As you work to master trampoline tricks, you’ll inevitably face some obstacles. Stay calm – with practice and persistence, you can overcome them.

  • One issue many learners encounter is fear. Feeling apprehensive when attempting complex skills is normal, especially if you’ve had a bad fall. Start slowly by revisiting the basics to rebuild your confidence, then gradually progress to more advanced tricks as you feel comfortable. 
  • Another common problem is poor technique or form. If you’re struggling with a particular trick, return to the fundamentals. Work on your approach, take-off, body position in the air and landing. Video yourself to identify any errors, then focus on correcting them one by one. Start from a simpler progression to re-learn the proper technique before moving on.
  • Lacking power or height is often due to improper warming up. Always warm up thoroughly before trick practice to activate your muscles. Do some light cardio followed by dynamic stretches. This will maximise your power and prepare your body for the demands of trampolining.

With regular practice, the right mindset and persistence, you’ll be well on your way to mastering trampoline tricks. Stay focused on fundamentals, start slowly and build up your skills progressively. You’ve got this! With time and dedication, you’ll bounce higher and land those tricks in no time.

Safety Measures During Trick Practice

Trampoline Enclosure by Super Tramp Trampolines

When practising trampoline tricks, safety should always come first. Supervision and awareness of your surroundings are crucial. You also need to know why safety net is important in a trampoline.


Have a trained coach or spotter present to supervise and instruct you properly. They can identify and correct any mistakes in your technique to prevent injury. Spotters should stand next to the trampoline, not on it, and be prepared to catch you if you lose control or land incorrectly.


Pay attention to your spatial awareness and the location of other trampolinists. Try to practice simple tricks when the trampoline park or gym is very busy. Beginners should stick to basic skills during peak hours.

Proper Progression

Start with the fundamentals before moving on to more advanced tricks. Master the basics like seat drops, knee drops and front drops before trying somersaults or flips. Build up your strength and skills over multiple practice sessions. Rushing into complicated tricks too quickly is a recipe for disaster.

Correct Technique

Learn the proper technique for each trick from a certified coach. The wrong technique or body position can cause you to land awkwardly and suffer sprains, fractures or head injuries. Always practise new tricks while wearing appropriate safety gear like, wrist guards, trampoline socks, elbow and knee pads.

By following these essential safety tips, you’ll minimise the risks and learn to master trampoline tricks like a pro. Stay within your skill level, focus on technique and progression, practise constant awareness and never practise alone. Safety first!


So there you have it; with practice and persistence, you’ll bounce, flipping your way to trampolining glory. Start with the basics, and build up your skills and confidence slowly. Don’t get disheartened if you don’t nail a new trick immediately. Stay focused on your progress and celebrate each small win. Keep watching tutorial videos to learn new tips and techniques, then get out there and give it a go. Whether you’re a trampolining novice looking to impress friends at a summer barbecue or an aspiring professional athlete, consistency and commitment are essential.



How to do tricks on a trampoline?
To perform tricks on a trampoline, start with basic jumps, then progress to knee drops and seat drops. Gradually attempt spins, twists, and flips once you’ve mastered foundational skills. Always prioritize safety and proper technique.
What is the easiest trampoline flip?
The easiest trampoline flip for beginners is the front somersault or “tuck jump.” Begin with a small jump, tuck your knees towards your chest, and complete a forward rotation. As you gain confidence, you can try more advanced flips.
What is the best way to jump on a trampoline?
The best way to jump on a trampoline is with controlled and even movements. Bend your knees slightly, use your arms to assist in the jump, and land softly with your feet together. Maintain balance and avoid excessive bouncing.
What flips to do on a trampoline?
Start with basic flips like front and back somersaults before progressing to more advanced moves. Backflips, front flips, and twists can be attempted as you become more comfortable and gain experience. Always ensure a safe and controlled environment.
Is trampoline a good exercise?
Yes, trampolining is an excellent exercise. It provides a low-impact cardiovascular workout, improves coordination, and engages various muscle groups. Regular trampoline use can contribute to overall fitness and is a fun way to stay active.