Ultimate Guide to Identifying Perfect Rectangular Trampoline for You

Rectangular trampolines are quickly becoming a top choice for families and fitness enthusiasts across the UK. Its popularity is soaring because of the superior bounce quality, space-efficient design, and suitability for both casual and professional use of this trampoline. Unlike traditional round design, rectangular models offer a more controlled and higher bounce, making them ideal for gymnastics training and energetic play. This surge in demand highlights the importance of choosing the right trampoline to suit your needs and space.

Selecting the perfect rectangular trampoline can be a game-changer for your garden fun or fitness routine. But with so many options available, identifying the right model is crucial. From size and spring length to the overall jumping experience and price range, each feature can significantly impact your trampoline experience. In this following blog, we’ll dive into why rectangular trampolines are trending in the UK and guide you through the essential aspects of identifying the perfect one for you.

Rectangular trampoline

Get ready to jump into the world of rectangular trampolines!

But…! Before going through the guide of choosing the perfect trampoline for you, let’s have some basic knowledge about the Rectangle or a Rectangular Trampoline.

Rectangular Trampoline

Rectangular trampoline

Rectangular trampolines are designed with a distinct shape that sets them apart from the traditional round trampoline and oval trampolines. Their extended form allows for a more uniform bounce, providing a consistent jumping experience across the entire surface. This makes them ideal for activities that require accuracy and control, such as gymnastics and acrobatics.

When compared to other shapes

  • Rectangular trampolines deliver a higher and more predictable bounce, perfect for advanced tricks and training.
  • Round trampolines tend to direct jumpers towards the centre, which can limit movement and reduce bounce height.
  • Oval trampolines offer a compromise between the two, but they still can’t match the performance benefits of rectangular models.

Why Rectangular Trampolines are Trending in the UK

Rectangular trampolines are taking the UK by storm for several reasons:

  • Space Efficiency: Their shape fits neatly into corners and along fences, making the most of available garden space. Unlike in-ground round trampolines that require a central open area, rectangular trampolines can be positioned against walls or in smaller yards, maximising usable space without sacrificing jumping surface.
  • Performance Benefits: Rectangular trampolines deliver a superior bounce, appealing to serious athletes and energetic children alike. The shape provides a more uniform bounce across the entire surface, allowing jumpers to achieve higher jumps and perform more advanced tricks with ease. This enhanced performance makes them a favourite for gymnastics and other athletic training.
  • Versatility: These trampolines are suitable for a wide range of activities, from casual play to rigorous training sessions. Whether you’re a parent looking for a fun and safe play area for your children, or an athlete needing reliable equipment for practice, rectangular trampolines meet diverse needs with their adaptable design.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Modern designs and sleek lines make rectangular trampolines a stylish addition to any backyard. Their contemporary look and feel blend seamlessly with garden landscapes, adding a touch of elegance while offering functional benefits.

Benefits of Rectangular Trampolines

  • Enhanced Bounce Quality and Control: The rectangular shape provides a consistent and powerful bounce, crucial for gymnasts and those practising aerial manoeuvres. Each jump is predictable, enabling precise movements and improving overall performance. The consistent bounce also reduces the risk of unexpected landings, enhancing safety during high-intensity workouts.
  • Better for Gymnastics and Professional Training: The uniform bounce allows for precise movements and safe landings, making rectangular trampolines the preferred choice for training facilities. Athletes can practise complex routines with confidence, knowing the trampoline will support their every move with consistent bounce dynamics.
  • Space Optimization: Their efficient design means they can fit into tighter spaces without compromising on jumping areas. This makes them ideal for urban environments or homes with limited outdoor space, ensuring that users can enjoy the benefits of a trampoline even in smaller gardens.

Understanding the benefits and rising popularity of rectangular trampolines, it’s equally important to know how to identify the right model for your needs. Next, we’ll explore the key aspects of choosing a rectangular trampoline, ensuring you make an informed decision that guarantees safety and enjoyment for years to come.

How to Identify Rectangular Trampolines

Choosing the right rectangular trampoline can significantly enhance your bouncing experience. It’s essential to identify the key features of different models to ensure you select the perfect fit for your needs. Factors such as size, spring length, jumping experience, and price all play a crucial role in making an informed decision.

Importance of Properly Identifying a Trampoline

Proper identification of a rectangular trampoline is crucial for several reasons:

Safety Concerns: Ensuring the trampoline meets safety standards is paramount. Look for features like sturdy frames, high-quality springs, and safety nets. Proper identification helps you avoid models with subpar construction that could lead to accidents and injuries. By selecting a trampoline with verified safety certifications and robust build quality, you protect jumpers from potential harm, ensuring a fun and secure jumping experience.

Best Value for Money: Understanding the features and benefits of each model allows you to get the best deal. By identifying the right trampoline, you can compare prices, durability, and additional features like trampoline weather covers or ease of assembly. This ensures you invest in a trampoline that offers longevity and superior performance, avoiding cheap models that may require frequent replacements or repairs, ultimately saving you money in the long run.

Matching Features with User Needs: Selecting a trampoline that fits your space and meets your usage requirements ensures maximum enjoyment and utility. For instance, a trampoline with longer springs provides a higher bounce, ideal for gymnasts and energetic children, while a smaller model might be perfect for younger children or limited garden spaces. Proper identification helps you find a trampoline that caters to the specific needs of the users, ensuring it complements your lifestyle and available space, thus enhancing overall satisfaction and usability.

Different Types of Rectangular Trampolines

Let’s explore some popular rectangular trampoline models and their features:

  1. 10′ X 6′
Rectangular trampoline
  • Length of Spring: Typically 6-7 inches.
  • Number of springs: 52.00 (17 X 9)
  • Space it Covers: Ideal for small gardens.
  • Jumping Experience: Provides a good bounce for children and light adults.
  • Price Range: Generally affordable, ranging from £200 to £400.
  • Suitable User Type and Usage Scenarios: Perfect for young children and small families.
  • Your trampoline is: Action 17 (garden trampoline)
  1. 16’11” X 9’10”
Rectangular trampoline
  • Length of Spring: Around 8-9 inches.
  • Number of springs: 118.00 (39 X 20)
  • Space it Covers: Requires a larger area, suitable for spacious gardens.
  • Jumping Experience: Excellent for high jumps and advanced tricks.
  • Price Range: Higher end, typically between £600 to £1000.
  • Suitable User Type and Usage Scenarios: Ideal for gymnasts and serious trampoline enthusiasts.
  • Your trampoline is: Boomer
  1. 7’7″ X 5’3″
Rectangular trampoline
  • Length of Spring: 5-6 inches.
  • Number of springs: 36.00 (11 X 7)
  • Space it Covers: Very compact, and fits in tight spaces.
  • Jumping Experience: Moderate bounce, best for light use.
  • Price Range: Budget-friendly, around £150 to £300.
  • Suitable User Type and Usage Scenarios: Great for toddlers and small children.
  • Your trampoline is: Frog
  1. 14’5″ X 8’3″
Rectangular trampoline
  • Length of Spring: 7-8 inches.
  • Number of springs: 100.00 (33 X 17)
  • Space it Covers: Medium to large gardens.
  • Jumping Experience: Balanced and enjoyable bounce for all ages.
  • Price Range: Mid-range, typically between £400 to £700.
  • Suitable User Type and Usage Scenarios: Suitable for families with children of all ages.
  • Your trampoline is: Kangaroo or Super Kangaroo
  1. 10’11” X 8’4″
Rectangular trampoline
  • Length of Spring: 6-8 inches.
  • Number of springs: 74.00 (22 X 15)
  • Space it Covers: Moderate space requirement.
  • Jumping Experience: Good bounce, versatile for various activities.
  • Price Range: Mid-range, around £300 to £600.
  • Suitable User Type and Usage Scenarios: Ideal for family use and recreational jumping.
  • Your trampoline is: King
  1. 11’8″ X 10′
Rectangular trampoline
  • Length of Spring: 7-8 inches.
  • Number of springs: 56.00 (17 X 11)
  • Space it Covers: Needs a reasonably large area.
  • Jumping Experience: High-quality bounce, suitable for more vigorous use.
  • Price Range: Higher end, between £500 to £900.
  • Suitable User Type and Usage Scenarios: Best for older children and teenagers.
  • Your trampoline is: Prince
  1. 10’1″ X 5’9″
Rectangular trampoline
  • Length of Spring: 5-7 inches.
  • Number of springs: 50.00 (17 X 8)
  • Space it Covers: Compact design, fits small gardens.
  • Jumping Experience: Moderate bounce, ideal for light to moderate use.
  • Price Range: Affordable, typically around £200 to £350.
  • Suitable User Type and Usage Scenarios: Perfect for small children and limited spaces.
  • Your trampoline is: Senior 15
  1. 12’5″ X 8’3″
Rectangular trampoline
  • Length of Spring: 6-8 inches.
  • Number of springs: 74.00 (23 X 14)
  • Space it Covers: Requires a medium to large area.
  • Jumping Experience: Balanced and enjoyable for all jumpers.
  • Price Range: Mid-range, around £400 to £700.
  • Suitable User Type and Usage Scenarios: Suitable for family use and casual training.
  • Your trampoline is: Wallaby
  1. 10′ X 7′
Rectangular trampoline
  • Length of Spring: 5-7 inches.
  • Number of springs: 68.00 (21 X 13)
  • Space it Covers: Moderate space requirement.
  • Jumping Experience: Good for casual jumping and play.
  • Price Range: Budget-friendly, typically between £250 to £400.
  • Suitable User Type and Usage Scenarios: Ideal for young children and small families.
  • Your trampoline is: XR300
  1. 12′ X 8′
Rectangular trampoline
  • Length of Spring: 6-8 inches.
  • Number of springs: 84.00 (25 X 17)
  • Space it Covers: Medium-sized gardens.
  • Jumping Experience: Provides a good bounce for all ages.
  • Price Range: Mid-range, around £300 to £600.
  • Suitable User Type and Usage Scenarios: Perfect for family fun and light training.
  • Your trampoline is: XR360

By carefully considering these factors, you can ensure you select a rectangular trampoline that meets your specific needs and provides the best jumping experience.

Next, let’s summarise the key points and discuss the overall benefits of making an informed choice when it comes to rectangular trampolines.


Choosing the right rectangular trampoline can transform your garden into a hub of fun and fitness. The unique benefits of rectangular trampolines—such as superior bounce quality, space efficiency, and durability—make them a top choice for families and athletes alike. When selecting a trampoline, consider your specific needs and the space you have available to ensure you find the perfect match.

We encourage you to explore the various models and features of rectangular trampolines. Whether you’re looking to enhance your gymnastics training or simply provide a safe and enjoyable play area for your children, there’s a rectangular trampoline that fits your needs.

We’d love to hear from you! Share your experiences with rectangular trampolines in the comments below, or ask any questions you may have. Let’s jump into the world of rectangular trampolines together and make the most of your outdoor space!

Measure the diameter of the trampoline frame from edge to edge, crossing the centre for round trampolines, or measure the length and width for rectangular ones.

Rectangle trampolines require more robust materials and engineering for even weight distribution and structural integrity, leading to higher costs.

Rectangular trampolines are often preferred by gymnasts and athletes due to their uniform bounce and larger usable area, but the best choice depends on your needs.

Rectangular trampolines provide a more consistent and powerful bounce because the springs work independently, unlike in round trampolines where the springs share the load.

Rectangular trampolines offer a more even bounce, are better for performing tricks, provide a larger jumping area, and are often favoured by professional athletes and gymnasts.